What We Do
Creating a medium to explore companionship, practical spirituality and the lessons of daily life by supporting humanity’s need to engage with unity and Oneness.
Programs — Projects — Activities
Beads on One String offers a creative exploration into the underlying themes that pervade spiritual disciplines, philosophy, art, science, music, and religion. We seek to bridge separateness and, recognizing daily life as our teacher, explore how Oneness can be experienced and integrated within it, so that we create a practical and grounded approach to living a spiritual life.
In this endeavour, the Beads Foundation facilitates activities that explore and investigate inner life. These include local and international seminars, pilgrimages and workshops, as well as publishing spiritual literature through Companion Books. It offers grants and scholarships to individuals and groups engaged in work, study, or projects relating to the unity of all life. We also shine a spotlight on individuals and organisations actively working towards this goal.
Our intention is to offer opportunities to gather in companionship – expressing individuality, celebrating diversity – so that we can focus on Oneness while practicing empathy and mutual respect. As such, our work translates into participation-centred events which call upon an individual’s creativity to surprise and delight. So that questions, rather than statements are presented from the basis of ‘not-knowing’ – a tool to discover perspectives and insight.

Circle of Companions
Bringing spiritual seekers together to explore the elements of Truth and Oneness and the importance of companionship on the spiritual journey.

Pilgrimage invites an opportunity to actively engage in the search for oneness, to learn about the traditions of different religions, and to share this search for universal truth with others.

Grants and Scholarships
Providing grants, scholarships, and fellowships to support individuals and groups in undertaking a bold experiment into the exploration and implementation of the Beads on One String Mission.
Our Message

Upcoming Events

2022 Circle of Companion Gathering
October 6-12
Silver Falls State Park, Oregon, USA
Details Coming Soon